You Better Believe It: Surgery Without a Single Incision
In honor of April Fool’s Day, we’ve debunked another myth in neurosurgery, and the truth may sound too good to be true. But we’re here to tell you, this truth really is that good. Myth: Surgery always requires an incision on the body. Fact: For some patients, a safe,...
Columbia, No. 1 in the Region for 18 Years Straight
Think back to the year 2000. We were fresh out of the ’90s, living at the turn of the century. On Friday nights in those days, we rented movies at brick-and-mortar stores. The internet was still new. Cell phones were clunky. And we carried maps in our cars. A lot has...
Columbia Neurosurgeons Included Among New York’s Best
People always want the best in New York: The best cup of coffee. The best Italian dinner for a romantic night out. And if you find yourself in need of a neurosurgeon, of course you want the best neurosurgeon. But while you can find good food and drinks by reading...