by emergent | Apr 20, 2020 | Uncategorized
When Brazilian neurosurgeon Jose Nasser felt numbness on one side of his face, he hoped it was a minor nerve problem and that it would go away quickly. But he decided to have an MRI done just in case. The MRI showed that Dr. Nasser had an acoustic neuroma, a tumor...
by emergent | Feb 15, 2018 | Patient Story
It has been a few years since we shared the inspiring story of the olympian Josephine Pucci. And now, with the 2018 Winter Olympics underway in South Korea, we thought, what better time to put her story front and center once again. Before we do, we’d like to...
by emergent | Nov 14, 2017 | Patient Story
When Jodie Leitner went to a routine checkup in the fall of 2014, she told her doctor she had been having unusual headaches. “I had had sinus headaches in the past,” she says, “and these headaches were different.” So her doctor sent her for an MRI. The MRI showed a...
by emergent | Mar 21, 2016 | Acoustic Neuroma, Brain Tumor News, Brain Tumors, Gamma Knife News, Meningiomas, News, Patient Story, Uncategorized
The gifts that move us, tug at our hearts, come when we least expect them and, in an instant, remind us of what’s important. Looking at the gift-wrapped box from his patient, Dr. Michael B. Sisti of Columbia Neurosurgery, didn’t know what the contents could be....
by emergent | Jan 26, 2015 | Brain Tumor News, Brain Tumors, Gamma Knife News, News, Patient Story
Meet Manuel, Dr. Sisti’s patient “I am very lucky,” says Manuel Greco. These are not the first words you would expect from someone who suffers from Von Hippel-Landau (VHL) disease. This rare disease comes with a predisposition to chronic brain and...