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Columbia Neurosurgeons Come Out on Top in Top Doctor Guides

stethoscope 2017 top doctorsIt’s not hard to find a doctor. Your insurance company has lists of doctors. Your friends recommend doctors. The internet is full of lists of fully qualified doctors to choose from.

But when you’re looking for a neurosurgeon to take care of your brain, these lists can be overwhelming. How can you sift through them to find a doctor who is one of the very best?

Thankfully, one company does the legwork for you. Every year Castle Connolly reviews nearly 100,000 physician-nominated doctors for its Top Doctor guides. The result is a list of the best doctors nationwide and regionally, nominated by their peers and reviewed by experts.

How does Castle Connolly ensure that these doctors are the best of the best? They start by taking nominations—any doctor can recommend one of her peers, though doctors cannot recommend themselves.

These nominated doctors are then reviewed by Castle Connolly’s physician-led research team. This team carefully reviews every aspect of each nominee’s career, including education, training, board certifications, hospital appointments, professional achievements and disciplinary history, among many other factors.

The result is a list of doctors who exemplify the highest standards of professional achievement and patient care.

Columbia University Medical Center/NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital is always proud to have neurosurgeons featured in the Top Doctor guides. This year 15 CUMC neurosurgeons are featured in at least one of the 2017 Top Doctor guides. Most of those 15 are featured in more than one guide, and four of them are featured in three.

CUMC neurosurgeons listed in America’s Top Doctors 2017:

  • Dr. Robert Solomon
  • Dr. Jeffrey Bruce
  • Dr. E. Sander Connolly
  • Dr. Neil Feldstein
  • Dr. Sean Lavine
  • Dr. Paul McCormick
  • Dr. Michael B. Sisti
  • Dr. Christopher Winfree

CUMC neurosurgeons listed in Top Doctors: New York Metro Area 2017:

  • Dr. Robert Solomon
  • Dr. Peter Angevine
  • Dr. Jeffrey Bruce
  • Dr. E. Sander Connolly
  • Dr. Neil Feldstein
  • Dr. Sean Lavine
  • Dr. Christopher Mandigo
  • Dr. Paul McCormick
  • Dr. Philip Meyers
  • Dr. Guy McKhann
  • Dr. Donald Quest
  • Dr. Michael B. Sisti
  • Dr. Christopher Winfree

CUMC neurosurgeons listed in America’s Top Doctors for Cancer 2017:

Congratulations to our CUMC neurosurgeons on being named Top Doctors in 2017!

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